Defining Lives

an Evolving Vision for transformation


Hi, I’m Ava Lazar.

Welcome to my webpage, I am so happy you decided to stop by!

I would love to share what my practice is focused on, its about assisting you in becoming aware of your true magnificence! The truth is “you already are whole and complete!” You have a value and a purpose for being here now. You were born with boundless potential such that everything you’ll ever need is already within your grasp. With a little fine tuning you’ll become more and increasingly aware of this. The fact is there is only one you in the entire universe! You were always meant to play in the realm of consciousness and have access to your gifts and talents!

The fact is, something in your life has brought you to this point of awareness! That’s where I come in! Through some very specific techniques and practices I have learned over the years we will be working together to assist you in having a clear image and understanding of the truth of whom you have always been!

Through the field of neuroscience we now know that the brain has been conditioned by the environment to believe everything seen, told, and experienced since birth. By becoming aware of your limiting beliefs, we can clear out all negative programing and install your new vision!

First we’ll begin by clearing out toxic emotions from past unhealthy relationships. Then we will begin to access core beliefs. As you become more attuned to your own thoughts and feelings, your heart will become more relaxed and open, such that eventually your heart and your mind will be in complete coherence.

The process is like the law of attraction! The difference is that we will begin by clearing the slate so to speak! Once we do this you will feel more alignment mentally, physically, and spiritually! All aspects of your birth given gifts will become increasingly evident as you experience feeling more integrated and whole.

I love watching as my clients blossom into the best version of themselves! It is like lifting a veil! The great news is doesn’t have to take years either!! When you clear your energy field, it frees you up and everything begins to flow! So being bold, being you, and being whole is totally yours to experience every day!

In loving, Ava

In loving, Ava

Check out my offerings page and book a fifteen minute consultation with me! See you soon!!!